Où ? Paris (75006), Bar Etna, 33, rue Mazarine.
Quand ? Le samedi 14 mai de 20h30 à 2h00 du matin
Qui ? Tout public mais dur réservation au 01 46 34 84 52 ou alex@records.com
Quoi ? Le principe reste le même, good natural wine, good sound & good vibe ! Set 100% Vinyl !
Etna Bar ? Dans une ambiance unique au cœur de St Germain des Prés, venez découvrir les vins naturels et une restauration de qualité. En voyage vers la Sicile des années 50, Etna accompagnera vos soirées à Paris dans une atmosphère humaine et chaleureuse. Vous êtes ici chez vous. Etna: a great experience to share with friends. In a special atmosphere, right in the heart of St Germain des Prés, come and enjoy our natural wines and quality food: with a taste of (1950s*) Sicily, an evening at Etna will help you relax and feel at home in Paris.
324 Records / Tip Tap Records / Lucidflow / Coquette Records. Alex Boneti ? Born in 1985, he raised in Paris. At the elementary school, he is pupil at the Consevatory of Paris where he attends a courses program “music/school”. At the age of 11 he studies piano Jazz. Then he coutinues to play piano and guitar (classical), he composes. In 2008, he starts to produce tracks on Ableton Live. At the end of 2009 a trip to NYC drives him to start DJing. From then he’ll play on turntables but always giving the priority to production.
In 2010, he produces a lot with Logic and asserts his preference to Deep House.